

You can influence your life with the help of a potent set of strategies called neuro-associative conditioning.

We have this successful program which forms whole new neural connections in your brain. Neuro-associative conditioning can help you break detrimental habits and improve both your outlook and your quality of life.

Course Features

  • Introduction to the program 
  • The Neural Pathways 
  • How are habits formed? 
  • Each time we experience a significant amount of pain or pleasure,  our brains search for the cause and record it to enable us to make  better decisions about what to do in future. 
  • What is NAC®? 
  • How can we use NAC® to change the way we feel about life and  thereby change our life? 
  • NAC® Master Step 1: Decide what you really want and what’s  preventing you from having it now. 
  • NAC® Master Step 2: Get Leverage: Associate Master Pain to Not  Changing NOW and Massive Pleasure to the Experience of Changing  NOW. 
    • NAC® Master Step 3: Interrupt the Limiting Pattern 
    • NAC® Master Step 4: Create a New, Empowering Alternative 
  • NAC® Master Step 5: Condition the New Pattern Until It’s Consistent  Understanding the Law of Reinforcement
  • The Power of Positive Reinforcement. 
  • NAC® Master Step 6: Test It! 
  • Conclusion 

Time Line:

Total Time 7 Hours
Training 5 Hours
Worksheet 2 Hours